Kamis, 21 April 2011

Hosting Gratis, pakai CPanel dan AutoInstaller

Baru saja saya menemukan layanan hosting gratis yang menurut saya cukup bagus. Ruang penyimpanan data yang diberikan sebesar 10GB serta bandwith 100GB
  • 5 Database MySQL, dengan Apache Web Server
  • FTP diizinkan
  • Subdomain
  • Webmail
  • Auto Installer : Wordpress, Joomla, phpBB, SMF, Coppermine Gallery, b2evolution, mambo, myBB osCommerce, serta zenCart
  • Ada website builder bagi yang tidak ingin menggunakan CMS dari auto installer
Silahkan coba http://dhmart.info/

Senin, 18 April 2011

Create an MS Access Database

STEP 1: Define the Purpose

Before you try to create an MS Access database first decide what the purpose for the database is. Software is much like a vehicle. Cars transport people from one place to another. Trucks can carry a few people and lots of cargo. The database you create should have a mission and purpose. It may be to track jobs, log activity, record and monitor sales or any of thousands of purposes.

How Do Search Engines Find Information?

How Does Yahoo and Google Find Information?

Do you really know how a these search companies like Google and Yahoo really operate? If you are like millions of people you probably type in into the search box of Google and Yahoo what you are looking for and take what it gives you. Most people will click on the one of the links in the top 10 searches and let the other thousand search suggestions fall to the wayside. Let's explore at how things pop into the top 10 of search results and let's look at why the large search engines pick these items to be in the top 10.

PHP - Best Choice for Building Web Applications

PHP stands for a recursive acronym 'PHP Hypertext PreProcessor'. Created in 1995 by Rasmus Lerdorf, it soon caught up with mainstream scripting languages. While initially it was written to build Dynamic Webpages, it is now used in 75% of web servers for server side programming.

Drupal Development for Great CMS Solution

Released in January 2001, Drupal is an open source content management system distributed under the GNU General Public License, and is a content management framework. Drupal development is used worldwide in the development of content management websites, blog sites, government websites, corporate websites, social networking websites, community websites and lot more.

Jumat, 15 April 2011

Info CMS

CMS adalah sistem yang membentuk sebuah situs web dan mengatur isi secara dinamis, seperti perpustakaan. Isi dari sebuah web dapat berupa musik, teks, foto, video, dokumen, atau lainnya. Dalam menggunakan CMS, tidak memerlukan keahlian khusus atau pengetahuan yang mendalam. Karena CMS yang akan mengelola semua isi dari sebuah website yang dibangunnya.

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Leecher favorit saya saat ini..

Sekedar review aja. Bagi yang suka nemuin link-link download lewat web file hosting : Hotfile.com, Fileserve.com, Rapidshare.com, Megaupload.com, DepositFiles.com, FileFactory.com, Uploading.com, easy-share.com, netload.in. Tersedia layanan check link, siapa tahu link download sudah expired atau mati. Balasan cukup cepat meski tergantung jumlah usernya.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Cara baru mendapatkan uang.. (Lokal gan !!)

Setiap aktivitas yang kita lakukan, seperti melakukan post atau membuat thread akan dibayar. Minimal payout Rp 10.000 via Rek BCA. Selain itu (fungsi sebenarnya) kita bisa ber-forum ria saling diskusi dengan semua membernya. Klik alamat gambar diatas atau klik disini.

Semoga bermanfaat..

FTP Gratis..

Daftar alamat FTP gratis yang berisi banyak sekali file baik ebooks, video, software. Silahkan cek satu persatu. Akan selalu diupdate.

Semoga bermanfaat.


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